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Der Volkswagen Konzern treibt die Digitalisierung weiter voran. Mit der ONE Business ID erhalten Unternehmen jetzt sukzessive Zugang zu zahlreichen, nützlichen digitalen Services aus dem Volkswagen Konzern. Vor allem Flottenkunden sollten einen Blick darauf werfen.

Fleet Solutions  |  Digitalisation

ONE Business ID: One for all

The Volkswagen Group is moving full steam ahead with digitalisation. ONE Business ID is providing companies on a step-by-step basis with access to many useful digital services provided by the Volkswagen Group. Fleet customers, in particular, should take a close look at them.

The digital world is evolving at break-neck speed and is working its way into every aspect of our private and work lives. One key aspect of this evolution is an individual’s digital identity, the key that opens the door to all sorts of online services and applications. One solution that is becoming increasingly essential is a uniform user ID. This ID enables users to authenticate themselves just once and then seamlessly use an array of services. The latest example of this comes from the Volkswagen Group: ONE Business ID – a (primary) ID for companies and the user IDs for individual employees generated by it.

What is ONE Business ID?

Unlike the user recognition process that we have gotten to know in our private lives, ONE Business ID provides authorized companies with access to the B2B ecosystem of the Volkswagen Group. This means one thing: A company – and not individuals – stands behind the ID. But the function is the same. After registering on One Business ID, the organisation administrator and the employees added by him or her (incl. the assignment of roles) are granted access to a variety of digital applications from the Volkswagen Group – and thus to nearly all Group brands.

What benefits does ONE Business ID offer?

The major benefit of ONE Business ID is functionality. With just one ID (double opt-in), a company will be granted access to all activated services offered by the Volkswagen Group’s B2B ecosystem.


This includes the following features:


  • Access to the product platform: Access to the Volkswagen Group’s B2B services. These include Fleet Interface, Fleet Ordering, the Skoda Fleet Configurator, the Audi Digital Marketplace and the Volkswagen Group Data Hub.


  • Notification service: This service automatically informs all Volkswagen Group B2B services used by a company about changes in relevant organisation profiles.


  • Customer support: The team can provide assistance with registration and verification as well as answer all other queries.


  • Product and service notifications: Information about products and services that are particularly interesting to a company is provided on this channel.

How can I get a ONE Business ID?

The registration process for ONE Business ID is simple. It just takes a few clicks on its website (desktop/mobile). The verification contains an automatic VAT-ID check1 and a sanctions-list review to ensure the legitimacy of a company. Approval is generally given and access provided to user management and services within 48 hours.


Companies also have an opportunity to appoint their own organisation administrator. This individual will be responsible for administering individual users and their particular roles. Depending on their individual role, users of ONE Business ID accounts will be given access to various digital applications from the broad spectrum of services offered.

To the registration:

¹ Available only in selected countries.

Stand: 05.10.2023
© Volkswagen AG

CUPRA Terramar VZ 1.5 e-HYBRID 200 kW (272 PS), fuel consumption (weighted, combined): 0.4-0.5 l/100 km; power consumption (weighted, combined): 17.6-19.0 kWh/100 km; fuel consumption (battery discharged): 5.7-6.1 l/100 km; CO₂ emissions (weighted, combined): 10-12 g/km; CO₂ class (weighted, combined): B; CO₂ class (battery discharged): D-E. (Status: 12.2024)
Škoda Elroq, Stromverbrauch kombiniert: 15,2-16,6 kWh/100 km; CO₂-Emissionen kombiniert: 0 g/km; CO₂-Klasse: A.
Audi S6 Sportback e-tron, electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.7–15.7; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0; CO₂ class: A. Information on electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
Audi A6 Avant e-tron performance, electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: combined: 17.0–14.8; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0; CO₂ class: A. Information on electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
Audi A6 Sportback e-tron performance, electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 15.9–14.0; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0; CO₂ class: A. Information on electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
CUPRA Formentor VZ 2.0 4Drive 245 kW (333 PS), fuel consumption (combined): 8.7-8.9 l/100 km; CO₂ emissions (combined): 192-201 g/km; CO₂ class (combined): G. Information on consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
CUPRA Leon VZ 1.5 e-HYBRID 200 kW (272 PS), fuel consumption (weighted, combined) 0,4 l/100 km; power consumption (weighted, combined) 16.5-16.8 kWh/100 km; fuel consumption (battery discharged) 5.4-5.5 l/100 km; CO₂ class (weighted, combined) 9-10 g/km; CO₂ class (weighted, combined): B; CO₂ class (battery discharged): D. Information on consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
CUPRA Leon Sportstourer VZ 1.5 e-HYBRID 200 kW (272 PS), fuel consumption (weighted, combined) 0.4-0.5 l/100 km; power consumption (weighted, combined) 16.7-17.1 kWh/100 km; fuel consumption (battery discharged) 5,5-5,6 l/100 km; CO₂ class (weighted, combined) 9-11 g/km; CO₂ class (weighted, combined): B; CO₂ class (battery discharged): D. Information on consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
CUPRA Tavascan Z 4Drive 250 kW (340 PS) 77 kWh, power consumption (combined): 16.5-18.1 kWh/100 km; CO₂ emissions (combined): 0 g/km; CO₂ class: A. Information on consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
Golf eHybrid, power consumption weighted, combined: 15.7–14.7 kWh/100 km plus 0.4–0.3 l/100 km; fuel consumption battery discharged, combined: 5.3–5.0 l/100 km; CO₂ fuel consumption battery discharged, combined: 9–6 g/km; CO₂ class weighted, combined: B; CO₂ class battery discharged: D–C. Information on consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 08.2024)
Q6 e-tron, electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 19.6-16.5; CO₂ emission in g/km: combined 0; CO₂ class: A. Information on electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 06.2024)
Q7, fuel consumption in l/100 km (combined):11,0–7,8; CO₂ emissions in g/km (combined): 251–204; CO₂ class: G. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status 03.2024)
ID.7 Tourer Pro, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.8-14.5; CO₂ emission in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicle. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2024)
Superb, the official consumption and emission figures will not be available until the type approval process is concluded. (Status: 12.2023)
Enyaq 85 / Enyaq 85x, Enyaq 85: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 15.8-14.9; CO₂ emission in g/km: combined 0. Enyaq 85x: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.8-16.0; CO₂ emission in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle image shows special equipment. (Status: 12.2023)
Q4 Sportback e-tron, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 18,9–15,6 (WLTP); CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle image shows special equipment. (Status: 11.2023)
Audi S6 Limousine TDI, fuel consumption in l/100 km (combined): 7,3–6,9; CO₂ emissions in g/km (combined): 191–182. Consumption and emission values are only available according to WLTP and not according to NEDC for the vehicle. (Status: 10.2023)
Audi S6 Avant TDI, fuel consumption in l/100 km (combined): 7.5–7.1; CO₂ emissions in g/km (combined): 196–187. Consumption and emission values are only available according to WLTP and not according to NEDC for the vehicle. (Status: 10.2023)
Audi S7 Sportback TDI, fuel consumption in l/100 km (combined): 7.5–7.1; CO₂ emissions in g/km (combined): 195–186. Consumption and emission values are only available according to WLTP and not according to NEDC for the vehicle. (Status: 10.2023)
Porsche Taycan 4, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 24.8–19.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status:07.2023)
Audi e-tron GT quattro, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 21.6–19.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status:07.2023)
Born 170 kW (231 PS) 77 kWh, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 17.5-15.7; CO₂ emissions in g/km: kombiniert 0; electric range (combined): 496-552 km (527-551 km for 5 seater) (WLTP). Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status:07.2023)
Tavascan, vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 04.2023)
Vehicle no longer available for order, no consumption and emission data are available.
Golf Alltrack, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 5.9–5.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 154-146. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Audi R8 Spyder, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 13.9–13.4; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 316-305. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Polo GTI, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 7.1–6.8; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 161-153. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Leon CUPRA 300, no longer available for order. (Status: 03.2023)
Audi e-tron, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 24.3–22.0; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0: efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2019)
A6 Avant TFSI e quattro, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.6–1.3; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 21.5–19.8; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 37-30. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
SEAT Leon e-Hybrid, currently not available. (Status: 03.2023)
Arteon eHybrid and Arteon Shhoting Brake eHybrid, Arteon eHybrid: fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.4–1.1; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.0–14.7; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 31-25. Arteon Shooting Brake eHybrid: fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.4–1.2; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.2–15.0; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 32-26. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicles. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
T-Roc R, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 9.1–8.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 205-196. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status:03.2023)
ID.4, ID.4 Pure Performance: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 17.9–16.7; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. ID.4 Pro Performance: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 18.6–16.4; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. ID.4 Pro 4MOTION: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 19.3–17.1; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0.Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Enyaq iV and Enyaq Coupé iV, Enyaq iV: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 17.1–15.8; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Enyaq Coupé iV: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.9–15.4; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0.Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Motorsports vehicle, not available as a production model, no consumption and emission data are available.
ID.4 GTX, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 19.3–17.2 (WLTP); CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Amarok PanAmericana, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 10.5–10.2; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 274-267. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status:03.2023)
ID.3, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.5–15.2; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 07.2023)
Audi Q8 e-tron, combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: 24.4–20.1(WLTP); CO₂ emissions (combined) in g/km: 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 12.2022)
Superb, official consumption and emission figures are not yet available, as the type approval process has not yet been completed.
ID. Buzz and ID. Buzz Cargo, ID. Buzz Pro: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 21.8 - 20.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. ID. Buzz Cargo: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 22.3-20.3; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not NEDC are available for the vehicles. Fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions data with ranges depending on the vehicle equipment selected. Vehicle illustrations show optional equipment.
ID.5 Pro and ID.5 Pro Performance, Power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 18.4-16.1; CO2 emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not NEDC are available for the vehicles. Fuel consumption and CO2 emission data with ranges depending on the equipment selected for the vehicles. Vehicle illustration shows optional equipment.
Image shows concept vehicle/study, the vehicle is not available as a production model, no consumption and emission data are available.
ID.5 Pro, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.2; CO2 emissions in g/km: 0; efficiency class: A+++.Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 11.2021)
ID.5 GTX, Power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 17.1; CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0; efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle image shows special equipment. (Status: 05.2022)
Audi e-tron, power consumption in kWh/100 km: 24.3–22.0 combined; CO2-emission combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 09.2019)
ID.4 Pro Performance, power consumption in kWh/100 km: 16.0–14.8 combined; CO2-emission combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 02.2021)
Q5 Sportback, fuel consumption in l/100 km: Combined 7.6-4.7; CO2 emissions in g/km: Combined 182-123; efficiency class: C-A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 02.2021)
Caddy Cargo, Fuel consumption in l/100 km: Combined 5.8-4.4; CO₂ emissions in g/km: Combined 131-117. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 02.2021)
OCTAVIA COMBI SCOUT 1,5 TSI DSG e-TEC 110 kW, fuel consumption in l/100 km: Urban 6.1, extra-urban 4.2, combined 4.9; CO2 emissions in g/km: combined 112; efficiency class: A. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 02.2021)
SEAT Leon Sportstourer e-HYBRID, power consumption in kWh/100 km: Combined: 15.5–15.0; electricity consumption/petrol in l/100 km: Combined 1.3–1.2; CO2 emissions in g/km: Combined 29–27; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 02.2021)
SEAT Leon e-HYBRID, power consumption in kWh/100 km: Combined 15.4–14.9; fuel consumption/petrol in l/100 km: Combined 1.3–1.2; CO2 emissions in g/km: Combined 29–27; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2021)
SEAT Tarraco e-HYBRID, power consumption in kWh/100 km: Combined 14.5; fuel consumption/petrol in l/100 km: Combined 1.8; CO2 emissions in g/km: Combined 41; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2021)
Audi Q4 e-tron , power consumption in kWh/100 km: Combined 17.3–15.8 (NEDC); Combined 19.0–17.0 (WLTP); CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0; efficiency class A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2021)
Octavia RS iV, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.5; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 11.2; CO2 emissions in g/km: combined 33; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment.
Octavia Combi RS iV, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.5; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 11.4; CO2 emissions in g/km: combined 34; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2021)
OCTAVIA COMBI iV, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.4; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 11.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 31; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2021)
CUPRA Born, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.0–15.0; CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 09.2021)
Q4 Sportback e-tron, power consumption (NEDC) in kWh/100 km: combined1) 17.9–15.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined1) 0; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2021)
ŠKODA ENYAQ iV 80x, Power consumption in kWh/100 km: 16.1 combined; CO2-emission combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 09.2021)
ID.4 GTX, Power consumption in kWh/100 km: 18.2-16.3 combined; CO2-emission combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 10.2021)
ID.5 GTX, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 17.1 – 15.6; CO₂ emissions combined in g/km: 0. Efficiency class: A+++; Vehicle image shows optional equipment.
ID.5 Pro and ID.5 Pro Performance, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 15,9 – 14,6; CO₂ emissions combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+; Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 06.2022)
CUPRA Formentor 2.0 TDI, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 5.1-4.3; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 135-113; efficiency class: B-A.Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2022)
Audi S8 TFSI, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 10.8-10.7; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 246-245; efficiency class: E.¹⁾ Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2022)
ID.3 1ST, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 15,4 – 13,5; CO₂ emissions combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+; Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 09.2021)
ŠKODA ENYAQ iV 80 , electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: Combined 13.6; CO2 emissions in g/km: 0; efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle image shows special equipment. (Status: 02.2022)
Golf GTI, (180 kW / 245 PS) (NEDC) fuel consumption in l/100 km: urban 9.0-8.6 / extra-urban 5.6-5.3 / combined 6.9-6.5; CO₂ emissions in g/km (combined): 157-149; efficiency class: D-C. Vehicle image shows special equipment. (Status: 05.2021)