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Interview  |  FleetTalk with Audi

“Our new model concepts meet the demands of the most diverse fleet operators.”

From the Audi Q6 e-tron performance with a range of up to 641 km through to the elegant and functional Audi A5 Avant, Audi is launching a host of exciting model innovations for fleet customers. In this interview with Carsten Kortüm, Head of Sales Fleet Customers Germany, and Sascha Evers, Fleet Sales Coordination Europe, we discuss what these innovations mean and how the brand intends to set itself even further apart from (new) competitors in the market in the future, also over and above the vehicles themselves.

Mr Kortüm, Mr Evers: 2024 has been a challenging year so far for Audi in terms of general delivery figures – but also a year in which fleet customers, in particular, can look forward to numerous new models. What has been your experience over the past few months from a fleet perspective?

Carsten Kortüm: 2024 has been a year of transition for Audi. We’re pursuing a clear plan – and focusing on innovation, increasing efficiency and strengthening relationships with our fleet customers. And they’re continuing to grow steadily in number. Between January and June 2024, we achieved excellent results in fleets with upwards of ten vehicles, recording a total of 25,455 new registrations. This puts us in a very strong position.


Sascha Evers: A similarly consistent performance can be seen in other European markets. The fact remains that fleet sales are supporting our sales activities significantly. And when I look at the upcoming model launches in 2024/25 – more than 20 new products with electric models, combustion engines or PHEVs – fleet managers can continue to feel in good hands with Audi. The new vehicles are all designed to meet their needs even more precisely, for example in relation to reducing carbon emissions.

Electric models are a good starting point. Numerous new brands have virtually sprung up in recent times in this area, in particular, which are also targeting the fleet sector. Which arguments can Audi use here to set itself apart?

Carsten Kortüm: On the one hand, as Sascha just said: with custom-fit model concepts that meet the demands of a diverse range of fleet operators. Take, for example, the new Audi Q6 e-tron. With a range of up to 625 km, it is specially tailored to the needs of fleet customers – and the ideal travel companion even in the case of kilometre-intensive field service. Our comprehensive network of dealerships and service locations is a strong argument at the same time, and one that clearly sets Audi apart from new providers. Another reason is the close collaboration with Group companies such as Elli or Logpay. Whether customers want to install their own charging stations, need charging cards or some other form of support in relation to electric mobility … perhaps the best way to put it is to say: We don’t stop at the vehicle itself, we support fleet customers far beyond this.


Sascha Evers: We also have to consider the so-called soft factors. Audi stands for premium quality and a strong brand image, which signals trust and safety. In our experience, such values play an extremely important role when deciding which fleet supplier to choose.

“In contrast to many other new providers, our efforts do not stop at the vehicle itself. Thanks to a strong network of dealerships and service locations as well as Group companies, we support fleet customers in many other ways also.”

Carsten Kortüm
Head of Sales Fleet Customers Germany, AUDI AG

Let’s talk a little about the Audi Q6 e-tron, which is the first production model based on the Premium Platform Electric (PPE). Aside from range, what does this model have up its sleeve in order to convince fleet customers?

Sascha Evers: In my view, it’s primarily the strong charging capacity. At 260 kW, the car can charge from 10 to 80 per cent within about 21 minutes. Thanks to Plug & Charge, the Audi Q6 e-tron authorises itself automatically at compatible charging stations, making charging genuinely more convenient and simpler than ever before. When taken together with the already mentioned range, then we’re very close to the type of handling we’ve come to expect from combustion engines. This means that field service employees can still cover their daily routes without significant adjustments.


Carsten Kortüm: Personally I’m also a major fan of the new head-up display, in which we are now using augmented reality. It ensures greater comfort and safety on longer journeys, in particular, which is also true of the new digital assistants with AI support. I would also definitely add the excellent suitability for everyday and family use: oodles of space in the luggage compartment, excellent legroom in the passenger compartment, lots of storage space etc.

A new model that’s eagerly awaited by corporate clients is likewise set to launch with the Audi A5 Avant, which will be available with a combustion engine too. Which competencies will this vehicle bring that are of relevance for fleets?

Carsten Kortüm: Visually, of course, the Audi A5 Avant is pure elegance and therefore offers added prestige for business users. At the same time, the high functionality and practical features of the model must also be mentioned – whether the large luggage compartment or the flexible seating configuration. Typically Avant even.


Sascha Evers: And taking typical fleet use cases one step further: The new Audi A5 can integrate seamlessly into our customers’ digital ecosystem and therefore offer a personal connectivity experience. In terms of the powertrain, the new Avant relies on a strong combination of performance and efficiency both in the combustion engine models that will be available initially and then later on in the hybrid variant.

How long can fleets – as with the Audi A5 Avant – continue to expect this mix of several available powertrain concepts?

Carsten Kortüm: The overall goal remains the same: We will all drive electrically in the foreseeable future. That’s the way forward, that’s technologically evident. We have relevant legislation in all markets to reduce carbon emissions and exhaust emissions; electric mobility is the only technology out there at the moment that can allow these objectives to be met. 2033 is the target set by Audi to discontinue sales of cars with combustion engines in Europe. But we are also ideally positioned for the transition period. The newly developed PPC platform ultimately offers us a completely new platform for our combustion engine models.

“The integration of the Audi Application Store in the infotainment system of the Audi A6 e-tron provides access to a variety of third-party apps, such as YouTube – without the need for a smartphone. The app portfolio is being enhanced continually and is tailored to the relevant markets.”

Sascha Evers
Fleet Sales Coordination Europe, AUDI AG

In your experience, what role do plug-in hybrids play for fleet customers at the moment?

Sascha Evers: PHEVs are in strong demand at present in many European countries – we will therefore continue to make our PHEV offer attractive for this target group until we phase out cars with combustion engines. For fleet customers, or rather user-choosers, PHEVs simply offer a good opportunity to test the transition to pure electric mobility and gather experience.


Carsten Kortüm: The situation is somewhat different in Germany. PHEVs are in greater demand here in smaller fleets, while larger companies are now clearly focussing on BEVs. In the first six months of the year, we provided some 13 per cent more all-electric cars to corporate clients than in the same period the previous year.

We spoke earlier about how important it is to support fleet customers over and above the vehicle itself. What can fleet customers expect from Audi in the future in this respect – for example in terms of fleet management, digital tools etc.?

Sascha Evers: A major topic here – in collaboration with Volkswagen Group Fleet International – is the provision of a digital ecosystem; fleet customers are set to benefit enormously from this. Looking to the future, fleet managers could use a central ID, for example, to log in to a platform online and check vehicle populations and even maintenance intervals, by uploading mileage in real time. Also conceivable are features such as digital key management, which would considerably ease the management of pool fleets. If we take this further, we will even be able to offer specific procurement recommendations for vehicles in the future, which best match the individual usage profiles of the team members.

Mr Kortüm, Mr Evers – a personal question for you both finally, if I may: Which new Audi models are your personal favourites for 2024?

Carsten Kortüm: I think it’s fairly obvious that I’m a fan of the Audi Q6 e-tron (laughs). But I’m personally just as excited about the Audi A5 Avant. Sascha, is it the same for you?


Sascha Evers: Absolutely – and I’ll complete the top 3 by adding the new Audi A6 e-tron. As a fleet-minded person, you’ve got to love these three vehicles, because they have everything you need in our business and, apart from that, they are simply fun.

All information applies to the German market.

Status: 29.08.2024
© Volkswagen AG

CUPRA Terramar VZ 1.5 e-HYBRID 200 kW (272 PS), fuel consumption (weighted, combined): 0.4-0.5 l/100 km; power consumption (weighted, combined): 17.6-19.0 kWh/100 km; fuel consumption (battery discharged): 5.7-6.1 l/100 km; CO₂ emissions (weighted, combined): 10-12 g/km; CO₂ class (weighted, combined): B; CO₂ class (battery discharged): D-E. (Status: 12.2024)
Škoda Elroq, Stromverbrauch kombiniert: 15,2-16,6 kWh/100 km; CO₂-Emissionen kombiniert: 0 g/km; CO₂-Klasse: A.
Audi S6 Sportback e-tron, electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.7–15.7; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0; CO₂ class: A. Information on electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
Audi A6 Avant e-tron performance, electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: combined: 17.0–14.8; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0; CO₂ class: A. Information on electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
Audi A6 Sportback e-tron performance, electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 15.9–14.0; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0; CO₂ class: A. Information on electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
CUPRA Formentor VZ 2.0 4Drive 245 kW (333 PS), fuel consumption (combined): 8.7-8.9 l/100 km; CO₂ emissions (combined): 192-201 g/km; CO₂ class (combined): G. Information on consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
CUPRA Leon VZ 1.5 e-HYBRID 200 kW (272 PS), fuel consumption (weighted, combined) 0,4 l/100 km; power consumption (weighted, combined) 16.5-16.8 kWh/100 km; fuel consumption (battery discharged) 5.4-5.5 l/100 km; CO₂ class (weighted, combined) 9-10 g/km; CO₂ class (weighted, combined): B; CO₂ class (battery discharged): D. Information on consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
CUPRA Leon Sportstourer VZ 1.5 e-HYBRID 200 kW (272 PS), fuel consumption (weighted, combined) 0.4-0.5 l/100 km; power consumption (weighted, combined) 16.7-17.1 kWh/100 km; fuel consumption (battery discharged) 5,5-5,6 l/100 km; CO₂ class (weighted, combined) 9-11 g/km; CO₂ class (weighted, combined): B; CO₂ class (battery discharged): D. Information on consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
CUPRA Tavascan Z 4Drive 250 kW (340 PS) 77 kWh, power consumption (combined): 16.5-18.1 kWh/100 km; CO₂ emissions (combined): 0 g/km; CO₂ class: A. Information on consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2024)
Golf eHybrid, power consumption weighted, combined: 15.7–14.7 kWh/100 km plus 0.4–0.3 l/100 km; fuel consumption battery discharged, combined: 5.3–5.0 l/100 km; CO₂ fuel consumption battery discharged, combined: 9–6 g/km; CO₂ class weighted, combined: B; CO₂ class battery discharged: D–C. Information on consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 08.2024)
Q6 e-tron, electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 19.6-16.5; CO₂ emission in g/km: combined 0; CO₂ class: A. Information on electricity consumption, CO₂ emissions and CO₂ classes given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 06.2024)
Q7, fuel consumption in l/100 km (combined):11,0–7,8; CO₂ emissions in g/km (combined): 251–204; CO₂ class: G. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status 03.2024)
ID.7 Tourer Pro, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.8-14.5; CO₂ emission in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicle. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2024)
Superb, the official consumption and emission figures will not be available until the type approval process is concluded. (Status: 12.2023)
Enyaq 85 / Enyaq 85x, Enyaq 85: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 15.8-14.9; CO₂ emission in g/km: combined 0. Enyaq 85x: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.8-16.0; CO₂ emission in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle image shows special equipment. (Status: 12.2023)
Q4 Sportback e-tron, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 18,9–15,6 (WLTP); CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle image shows special equipment. (Status: 11.2023)
Audi S6 Limousine TDI, fuel consumption in l/100 km (combined): 7,3–6,9; CO₂ emissions in g/km (combined): 191–182. Consumption and emission values are only available according to WLTP and not according to NEDC for the vehicle. (Status: 10.2023)
Audi S6 Avant TDI, fuel consumption in l/100 km (combined): 7.5–7.1; CO₂ emissions in g/km (combined): 196–187. Consumption and emission values are only available according to WLTP and not according to NEDC for the vehicle. (Status: 10.2023)
Audi S7 Sportback TDI, fuel consumption in l/100 km (combined): 7.5–7.1; CO₂ emissions in g/km (combined): 195–186. Consumption and emission values are only available according to WLTP and not according to NEDC for the vehicle. (Status: 10.2023)
Porsche Taycan 4, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 24.8–19.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status:07.2023)
Audi e-tron GT quattro, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 21.6–19.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status:07.2023)
Born 170 kW (231 PS) 77 kWh, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 17.5-15.7; CO₂ emissions in g/km: kombiniert 0; electric range (combined): 496-552 km (527-551 km for 5 seater) (WLTP). Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status:07.2023)
Tavascan, vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 04.2023)
Vehicle no longer available for order, no consumption and emission data are available.
Golf Alltrack, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 5.9–5.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 154-146. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Audi R8 Spyder, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 13.9–13.4; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 316-305. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Polo GTI, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 7.1–6.8; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 161-153. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Leon CUPRA 300, no longer available for order. (Status: 03.2023)
Audi e-tron, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 24.3–22.0; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0: efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2019)
A6 Avant TFSI e quattro, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.6–1.3; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 21.5–19.8; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 37-30. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
SEAT Leon e-Hybrid, currently not available. (Status: 03.2023)
Arteon eHybrid and Arteon Shhoting Brake eHybrid, Arteon eHybrid: fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.4–1.1; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.0–14.7; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 31-25. Arteon Shooting Brake eHybrid: fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.4–1.2; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.2–15.0; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 32-26. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicles. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
T-Roc R, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 9.1–8.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 205-196. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status:03.2023)
ID.4, ID.4 Pure Performance: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 17.9–16.7; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. ID.4 Pro Performance: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 18.6–16.4; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. ID.4 Pro 4MOTION: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 19.3–17.1; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0.Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Enyaq iV and Enyaq Coupé iV, Enyaq iV: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 17.1–15.8; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Enyaq Coupé iV: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.9–15.4; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0.Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Motorsports vehicle, not available as a production model, no consumption and emission data are available.
ID.4 GTX, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 19.3–17.2 (WLTP); CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 03.2023)
Amarok PanAmericana, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 10.5–10.2; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 274-267. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status:03.2023)
ID.3, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.5–15.2; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 07.2023)
Audi Q8 e-tron, combined power consumption in kWh/100 km: 24.4–20.1(WLTP); CO₂ emissions (combined) in g/km: 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not according to NEDC are available for the vehicles. Information on fuel/power consumption and CO₂ emissions given in ranges depends on the equipment selected for the vehicle. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 12.2022)
Superb, official consumption and emission figures are not yet available, as the type approval process has not yet been completed.
ID. Buzz and ID. Buzz Cargo, ID. Buzz Pro: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 21.8 - 20.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. ID. Buzz Cargo: power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 22.3-20.3; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not NEDC are available for the vehicles. Fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions data with ranges depending on the vehicle equipment selected. Vehicle illustrations show optional equipment.
ID.5 Pro and ID.5 Pro Performance, Power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 18.4-16.1; CO2 emissions in g/km: combined 0. Only consumption and emission values according to WLTP and not NEDC are available for the vehicles. Fuel consumption and CO2 emission data with ranges depending on the equipment selected for the vehicles. Vehicle illustration shows optional equipment.
Image shows concept vehicle/study, the vehicle is not available as a production model, no consumption and emission data are available.
ID.5 Pro, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.2; CO2 emissions in g/km: 0; efficiency class: A+++.Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 11.2021)
ID.5 GTX, Power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 17.1; CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0; efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle image shows special equipment. (Status: 05.2022)
Audi e-tron, power consumption in kWh/100 km: 24.3–22.0 combined; CO2-emission combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 09.2019)
ID.4 Pro Performance, power consumption in kWh/100 km: 16.0–14.8 combined; CO2-emission combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 02.2021)
Q5 Sportback, fuel consumption in l/100 km: Combined 7.6-4.7; CO2 emissions in g/km: Combined 182-123; efficiency class: C-A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 02.2021)
Caddy Cargo, Fuel consumption in l/100 km: Combined 5.8-4.4; CO₂ emissions in g/km: Combined 131-117. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 02.2021)
OCTAVIA COMBI SCOUT 1,5 TSI DSG e-TEC 110 kW, fuel consumption in l/100 km: Urban 6.1, extra-urban 4.2, combined 4.9; CO2 emissions in g/km: combined 112; efficiency class: A. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 02.2021)
SEAT Leon Sportstourer e-HYBRID, power consumption in kWh/100 km: Combined: 15.5–15.0; electricity consumption/petrol in l/100 km: Combined 1.3–1.2; CO2 emissions in g/km: Combined 29–27; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 02.2021)
SEAT Leon e-HYBRID, power consumption in kWh/100 km: Combined 15.4–14.9; fuel consumption/petrol in l/100 km: Combined 1.3–1.2; CO2 emissions in g/km: Combined 29–27; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2021)
SEAT Tarraco e-HYBRID, power consumption in kWh/100 km: Combined 14.5; fuel consumption/petrol in l/100 km: Combined 1.8; CO2 emissions in g/km: Combined 41; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2021)
Audi Q4 e-tron , power consumption in kWh/100 km: Combined 17.3–15.8 (NEDC); Combined 19.0–17.0 (WLTP); CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0; efficiency class A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2021)
Octavia RS iV, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.5; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 11.2; CO2 emissions in g/km: combined 33; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment.
Octavia Combi RS iV, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.5; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 11.4; CO2 emissions in g/km: combined 34; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2021)
OCTAVIA COMBI iV, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 1.4; power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 11.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 31; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2021)
CUPRA Born, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 16.0–15.0; CO₂ emissions in g/km: 0; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 09.2021)
Q4 Sportback e-tron, power consumption (NEDC) in kWh/100 km: combined1) 17.9–15.6; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined1) 0; efficiency class: A+. Vehicle images show special equipment. (Status: 09.2021)
ŠKODA ENYAQ iV 80x, Power consumption in kWh/100 km: 16.1 combined; CO2-emission combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 09.2021)
ID.4 GTX, Power consumption in kWh/100 km: 18.2-16.3 combined; CO2-emission combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 10.2021)
ID.5 GTX, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 17.1 – 15.6; CO₂ emissions combined in g/km: 0. Efficiency class: A+++; Vehicle image shows optional equipment.
ID.5 Pro and ID.5 Pro Performance, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 15,9 – 14,6; CO₂ emissions combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+; Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 06.2022)
CUPRA Formentor 2.0 TDI, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 5.1-4.3; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 135-113; efficiency class: B-A.Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2022)
Audi S8 TFSI, fuel consumption in l/100 km: combined 10.8-10.7; CO₂ emissions in g/km: combined 246-245; efficiency class: E.¹⁾ Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 05.2022)
ID.3 1ST, power consumption in kWh/100 km: combined 15,4 – 13,5; CO₂ emissions combined in g/km: 0; Efficiency class: A+; Vehicle image shows optional equipment. (Status: 09.2021)
ŠKODA ENYAQ iV 80 , electricity consumption in kWh/100 km: Combined 13.6; CO2 emissions in g/km: 0; efficiency class: A+++. Vehicle image shows special equipment. (Status: 02.2022)
Golf GTI, (180 kW / 245 PS) (NEDC) fuel consumption in l/100 km: urban 9.0-8.6 / extra-urban 5.6-5.3 / combined 6.9-6.5; CO₂ emissions in g/km (combined): 157-149; efficiency class: D-C. Vehicle image shows special equipment. (Status: 05.2021)